PF and ESI Inspections

EPF and ESI Inspection criteria and the documents to be produced before the Inspectors!

The need to ensure social-economic justice for the people and establish a Welfare state is enshrined in the Constitution of India. Employees, especially in the private sector found themselves in trouble once they retired.

To alleviate this problem the government introduced a long-term savings scheme that would support them in retirement or superannuation. This legislation is the Employees’ Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (EPF and MP Act).

Similarly, there was a need to safeguard the lives of employees against the effect of sickness, physical disability, and death due to the nature of work. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 was legislated by the government to take care of this aspect. This Act supports them during such eventualities.

Inspection Policy for EPF and ESI

Both these Acts have proper guidelines on the inspection of the registered entities under the Act. In this article, we shall delve into the criteria for inspection and the documents that are required to be produced during such inspections.

EPF Inspection criteria

Inspection guidelines have been passed to achieve the objectives of simplifying business regulation and bring in transparency and accountability to labour inspections.

The inspections can be either mandatory or optional.

Mandatory Inspections

Inspections are mandatory under these conditions:

  1. All new covered/registered establishments are prone to mandatory inspections.
  2. All establishments registered on the Electronic Challan cum Return Portal (ECR) that are not marked as closed and are not complying.
  3. All establishments that have sent in a closure request.
Optional Inspections

Optional Inspections are undertaken under the following conditions:

  1. When the remittances towards EPF drop in excess of Rs:10,000
  2. Membership drops in excess of 50 members
  3. All other units where there is a weightage drop of 20%.
Inspection procedure

Normally the establishment is informed about the inspection and these are carried out during normal working hours. At the time of inspection the following documents have to be produced:

A 100-page notebook that is generally available in Labour Law Stationery Book stores should be kept ready for the Inspector to note his/her remarks. All other records/registers in respect of EPF have to be submitted for inspection and they are:

  1. Attendance Register or Muster Roll
  2. Wage/Salary Register
  3. Bank Statement
  4. Ledger/Cash Book/Vouchers
  5. Copies of the Audited Balance Sheet
  6. Challan Copies
  7. EPF Code Allotment Letter & Form 5A
  8. Bonus Register
  9. Overtime Register
  10. Active UAN List
  11. List of Contractors, nature of work, and compliance made by the

The Inspector, after the inspection, has to note down his/her remarks in the Inspection Book and sign the same.

ESI Inspection criteria

ESI Inspections also follow the same pattern as EPF.

  1. All new units that are covered/registered.
  2. All establishments that have defaulted for a period of 6 months
  3. Units that have made closure requests.
  4. Units where no inspection has been carried out in the last 3 years.
  5. Whenever such inspection is required by Central Data Analysis Unit (CDAU).
  6. When there is a 30% drop in the contribution when compared to the previous contribution period. The top 30% of such units will be inspected.
  7. When there is a drop in the number of employees by 30% and above when compared to the previous contribution period (over a period of 6 months). The top 30% of such units are to be inspected.
  8. Security/Manpower agencies that employ more than 250 employees where inspection has not been conducted in the last 2 years. The top 30% of such units are to be inspected.
  9. Any other units that do not fall into any of the above categories. The top 10% of such units are inspected.
 Inspection procedure

Normally the units are informed about the inspection and these are carried out during normal working hours. At the time of inspection the following documents have to be produced:

  1. Attendance Register
  2. Wages or Salary Register
  3. Bank Statement
  4. Ledger/Cash Book/Vouchers
  5. Copies of the Audited Balance Sheet
  6. Challan copies
  7. ESIC Form 32 register
  8. Accident Book under Rule 66
  9. All other documents related to payments made to employees
  10. List of Contractors, nature of work, and compliance made by them.

The Inspection procedure for both EPF and ESIC are very similar. The Registered units have to be fully prepared with all the relevant records/registers during the time of inspection. Non-availability of such records or registers will be viewed seriously and the authorities are empowered to take strict action against such units.

GetifyHR, which has years of experience in handling these matters can provide the ideal solution for companies to go through these procedures without any stress. Our Payroll and HR module can provide all the required inputs to the authorities as and when required and in the process keep the company fully compliant at all times.

Outsourcing Payroll Services: What to expect when you modernize your Payroll Processes?

Outsourcing Payroll Services: What to expect when you modernize your Payroll Processes?


Payroll processing is a daunting task in any business regardless of the size of the workforce. The process involves highly critical tasks other than generating the payslips and disbursing the salaries. Managing Leave and Attendance has always been a complex task and businesses have to face the consequences of errors in handling this crucial activity. Even more daunting is handling the Statutory Compliance rules and regulations. Any errors in handling this vital task could lead to penalties and other legal issues.

A fully integrated Payroll System ensures the smooth functioning of the business and this would lead to greater growth. Outsourcing the Payroll process to an outside agency is the ideal solution as it ensures stress-free operations and helps in addressing the loopholes found in handling payroll either manually or through custom-made software operated by one’s team. The advantages of outsourcing your Payroll process are many and have been discussed in our earlier blogs. In this article, we will limit ourselves to discussing what you can expect when you modernize your payroll process by outsourcing to a reputed third-party service provider.

Impact of Technology

Technology is impacting every walk of our personal and professional life. The pandemic has demonstrated our reliance on technology to keep society and businesses running normally. Not only business transactions but also employees were moved online and payroll services have also been immensely affected. GetifyHR has established itself as a leading player in outsourcing payroll processing using cloud technology.

Cloud Computing

Payroll outsourcing services have embraced the latest in technology to offer greater functionality and performance of their modules. The use of cloud computing has dramatically changed the ways that data is accessible not only from one location but also from multiple locations. Processing and backup is now fully automated.

This has enabled businesses to enter and approve payroll operations across locations. Adopting a cloud-based system has many benefits and the key benefits are briefed here below:

Greater Accessibility

Every branch, every office, and every factory across the states are easily connected. This provides improved access to data and everyone can get up-to-date information whether they are in the office or on the go.

Cut down on costs by reducing the use of costly hardware and software

With the use of cloud computing, you can do away with costly servers, backup generators, network switches, routers cables, etc. All the payroll activities can be handled on the cloud by just paying a monthly fee. This reduces expenses dramatically.

Keeping the company compliant

Statutory Compliance is a vital activity that needs extra care and awareness of the changes in rules that are frequently affected by the government. These changes have to be updated immediately so that the company can remain compliant. Failure to do so will result in penalties and lead to legal issues that the company may well neigh avoid. These issues will also damage the cordial employee-employer relationship. The technology in use now allows the employee to have greater access to their records through a highly efficient ESS portal that is available on the system and their smartphones. GetifyHR is one of the leading HR Outsourcing Services in the country with a reputation for top-notch service

Eliminate repetitive tasks

Payroll processing is a highly repetitive task, especially when using Excel spreadsheets or any customized software. When you outsource to a service provider who uses cloud computing, you are fully automating these time-consuming tasks by leveraging the best of technology. This will bring about a significant reduction in errors and enhance the performance of the administration.

Identify and reduce fraudulent practices

The use of current technology like cloud computing enables the employer to identify whether the employees are billing for hours that they have not worked. With the available data, employers can determine whether an employee is reporting excessive overtime or is abusing sick leave. The available payroll analytics provides employers with trends in employee behavior and information that they need to take corrective measures.

Enhance HR functions

The use of high-end technology in payroll software generates a wealth of information that was previously not available to the user. With the help of the present technology, we can mine this huge volume of data for strategic decision-making purposes. This wealth of information will enhance the HR experience and aid in workforce planning, performance, gender pay equalities, benefits and pensions, and onboarding.


The currently available technology offers the scope for bettering the payroll system under use now. Embracing this technology will offer solutions that will enhance the payroll experience for the company and its employees. Employee retention is very important in today’s labor market. Any small error in payroll preparation would cause employees to leave and this would disrupt the functioning of the workforce and adversely affect the company’s performance. A perfectly working payroll is the need of the hour and this can be achieved only when you have a system that uses the latest technology that is available now. We at GetifyHR are committed to offering the best to our clients and to achieve this we are constantly upgrading our outsourcing module to be in line with the latest technology.

blog - leave type

What are the multiple leave types and their entitlements as per the Labour Acts?


Labour laws have been enacted to safeguard the interests of the employees and these required the employers to follow certain statutory rules and regulations.  These laws signify the relationship between the employer, the employee and the governments, both central and state.  The trade unions also play their part in framing these rules especially when it comes to implementing them in various organizations.  The Factories Act, 1948, the Shops and Establishment Act, and the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 have set the policies for the types of leave that an employee can avail.

Some of these laws contain the provisions for different types of leave that the employees are entitled to take during their period of employment.  The applicability and duration of these leaves may slightly differ from state to state and from company to company.  However, in general the most common types of leave are Casual Leave, Earned Leave, Sick Leave, Maternity Leave and Compensatory off Leave.  A few other leaves like Paternity Leave, Marriage Leave, and Bereavement Leave are also available but these would depend upon the leave policies followed by the company and would, therefore, differ from company to company.  The implementation and applicability of the leaves types are detailed below.

Casual Leave

Casual is a leave that an employee can avail due to some urgent or unforeseen personal needs or circumstances.  Prior permission is required for this leave and any leave that is taken without permission would result in deduction of salary for that particular day.  The number of days that can be availed is decided by the company though most states have framed laws for providing such leave.  Normally the leave could range from 12 to 15 days in a year and would also depend on the type of industry.  In Tamilnadu the Casual leave entitlement is 12 days in a year.

Earned Leave

Earned Leave or Privilege Leave is a type of leave entitlement that an employee can avail when they complete one year of service.  Earned Leave is used for personal reasons such as in taking a vacation, or to conduct certain functions or festivals that are not declared holidays.  Earned Leave can be encashed, which means when you leave the company, you can encash the number of days of unutilized earned leave.  The value of one days earned leave is equal to one day’s Basic salary + DA.

Factory workers who have worked for a maximum of 240 days in a year are eligible for Earned Leave.  An adult worker is entitled to 1 days earned leave for every  20 days of work, whereas, children under 15 get 1 days earned leave for every 15 days worked. Employees involved in Sales or in the Newspaper industry is entitled to one month’s leave for every 11 months worked.

Since this type of leave is long and is normally planned for earlier, prior permission is required.  The administration has to be informed well in advance so that they can make alternate arrangements during the absence.  The unavailed earned leave balance is carried forward to the next year.  However, the number of days that can be carried forward may differ from state to state.  For example, in Tamilnadu, the maximum earned leave that can be carried forward is 45 days, whereas, in Kerala it is 24 days.

Sick Leave

Sick Leave can be availed by the employee when they fall sick.  The employee has to produce a medical certificate to avail this leave if the leave exceeds two or three days at a time. The normal entitlement is 12 days sick leave during a 12 month period.

Sick leave can be carried forward and in some cases it can be encashed at 50% of the basic salary for a day.  An apprentice is entitled to 15 days sick leave in a year whereas, and employee of t he Newspaper industry can avail one month sick leave for every 18 months work.

Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave is a benefit allowed to women employees under the Maternity benefit Act, 1961.  The Act ensures that women employees can avail the benefit of 26 weeks leave during the pre and post delivery period.  This is a paid leave and during this period the employee will be paid Basic salary + DA.  The women employee can opt for 8 weeks pre delivery leave and the balance post delivery leave.  This is applicable only for and 1st and 2nd delivery and a woman employee expecting a 3rd child is entitled for only 12 weeks maternity benefit.

A woman employee who adopts a child is entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave starting from the day of adoption.  This is applicable only when the adopted baby s below three months of age.  Similarly, a commissioning mother ( a biological mother who uses her egg to create an embryo implanted in a surrogate mother) will be entitled to Maternity benefit for a period of 12 weeks from the date the baby is handed over to the commissioning other.

A woman employee who has undergone Tubectomy during pregnancy can avail 2 weeks leave from the date of the Tubectomy procedure. For employees who undergo critical conditions like Pre-mature delivery, miscarriage and medical termination of pregnancy, one month’s maternity benefit is applicable.

Paternity Leave

Paternity Leave is a leave entitlement to expectant fathers after the child is born.  This again depends on the company’s leave policy.  The leave entitlement is for 2 to 4 weeks.  Though this leave is not mandatory, it is important that the HR’s understand the stress involved in bringing up a new born baby during the first few days and allow such leave to the expectant fathers.

Marriage Leave

Marriage Leave is not mandatory in India.  This would depend on the company’s leave policy.  Most companies tend to give 3 days’ marriage leave with the employee asked to provide documentary proof in the form of an invitation or a marriage certificate for its approval. An employee is eligible to only one Marriage Leave during the entire period of employment in the company.

Bereavement Leave

In the event of a death in the family, Bereavement Leave can be granted.  Though it is not mandatory, compassionate leave as it is also called can be granted to allow the grieving employee to participate in the last rites and take care of other personal issues.  Companies that are forward looking and care for their employees offer bereavement leave.

Compensatory Off leave

Employees who have worked for more hours than they are required to is entitled to Compensatory Off leave.  This happens when an employee has worked for more hours or has worked on a weekend of a holiday.  Compensatory Off has to be automatically recorded in the system and the employees must be informed that they can avail an extra day of leave for the extra time they have put in.  Compensatory Off has to be availed within an expiry period of 4 to 8 weeks, therefore, the employee has to utilize the compensatory off within period.

Loss of Pay or Leave without Pay

When an employee has availed all the leave that he or she is entitled to including the leave types like bereavement leave, marriage leave etc, and wishes to take leave, then he can take leave with a pay cut.  This is known as Loss of Pay leave or Leave without Pay.   Any leave availed over and above the leave entitlement as per the leave policy is considered as Loss of Pay leave.

An employee availing leave without prior intimation or not providing medical certificate for the sick leave availed would be treated as Loss of Pay leave.  Loss of Pay leave has to be properly tracked so that the salary deduction can take place for the number of days of Loss of Pay during that month.


Proper maintenance of the leave and attendance of employees is of paramount importance in an organization.  This operation is handled during the Payroll process and it is, therefore, imperative that the payroll process in maintained most efficiently and without any errors.  Manual processing using Excel worksheet and processing with a customized software may be successful when the workforce is small, but where the workforce is large the ideal option is to outsource the process to an experienced service provider

GetifyHR ranks among the top leave management service providers in India.  Our high-end, technology driven software is perfectly designed to address all aspects of leave management that include leave application, approval or rejection of leave, managing leave balances and leave analytics.  All the leave types like casual leave, earned leave, sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, marriage leave, compensatory off leave, loss of pay leave etc can be efficiently handled with our module.  This cloud-based package is easy to handle and will provide all the necessary reports at the click of a button.  Leave management has never been an easy task but with GetifyHR by your side this complex task gets overly simplified.